Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Falling into something new...


I'm glad you found your way over to my blog. I look forward to sharing my journey, sharing (healthy) recipes, and helping others on their journey!

Here's a little bit about myself:

-I work in finance
-I love to run (but my back does not)
-I love wine (my waistline does not)
-I've lost 50 pounds over the last six years (See prior blog from that journey)
-I am a BeachBody coach (which means I am here and ready to help you achieve YOUR goals)
-My favorite programs are 21 Day Fix, PiYo, and Cize (I promise I'll share some videos of my routines)

Let's travel back to that bit about losing weight...

2008 = I was heavy (my size 12 pants stopped fitting) I was also slated to be a bridesmaid

I started walking every day. Joined a gym. Paid a lot of money for a trainer. Started running again.

2009 = Lost 35 pounds. Moved 300 miles to Philadelphia. Looked great in bridesmaid dress. Lost some more weight.

2010 = Ran my first of a handful of half marathons (PR = 2:07:43) Ran some more.

2011 = Ran more. That's about it.

2012 = Met my husband. (Re)injured my back lifting. No more running. Discovered spin.

2013 = Spinning. Lost some more weight.

2014 = An old friend from my retail days talked to me about BeachBody. Joined my first challenge program doing 21-day fix. Lost weight. Felt healthy. (Oh yeah, I also got engaged) Purchased PiYo.

2015 = Sweating for the wedding for most of the year. Became a Mrs. Back flares up AFTER wedding. No more spinning. Decided to give my Napoleon Dynamite skills a chance and tried Cize. Decided I really like BeachBody products and signed up to be a coach.

I'm not perfect. No one is. I have had my ups and downs on my weight loss journey. The challenge groups I have been a part of have been a great help to keep my accountable.

I challenge you to ask yourself these questions:

What do I want in a fitness program?
What is keeping me from staying on track in my program?
What is my favorite thing about working out?
What can *I* do to help you meet your goals?

And full disclosure... old me versus new me: