Monday, October 19, 2015

No Soup for You - To Make In Your Stove or Oven!

Folks, I have some sad news. Summer is definitely history. I had to scrape my car this morning. This made me really sad. I am a warm weather girl - which is a struggle living in the north. Today is the type of day that is just perfect for soup! In anticipation of my husband working (I should really rename my blog all the food and recipes my husband won't eat) - I bought butternut squash to make soup with.

Let me introduce you to tonight's recipe - Butternut Squash Soup - in the VitaMix - for a Meatless Monday!

This was my first adventure with making soup in my VitaMix. It's sat idle for a little bit without any love.

The start of deliciousness!

Butternut Squash Soup
Makes - more than 3 servings!

14oz of butternut squash (I bought it pre-cut)
1.5 russet potatoes
15 baby carrots
4 cups of vegetable broth
1 tsp of Sunflower seeds
2 tbsp of EVOO
Salt and Pepper for taste

Pre-heat your over to 350 degrees!

First, I skinned the potatoes, then chopped it into smaller pieces and placed in my Pyrex baking dish. I didn't have to cut the butternut squash, as I bought it pre-cut (time saver!!) I added in the baby carrots, tossed in a TBSP of EVOO, finally, some salt and pepper, added my lid - shook it up!

Once coated, I popped into the oven for 30 minutes. This gave me a chance to workout. Today started week two of my PiYo challenge group - and I had a workout to tackle! PiYo Define: Lower Body. My favorite is the downward dog series at the end.

Workout: Complete! Now back to our regularly scheduled recipe. Once PiYo was wrapped up - my oven went off a few minutes later.

I then added the 4 cups of vegetable broth to a microwave safe bowl and microwaved for 1:45 (just until warm - it'll all depend on your microwave)

Then, I added the broth into my VitaMix, followed by the vegetables, the remaining EVOO, and salt and pepper for taste.

This is key, make sure your VitaMix is on the setting of 1. I slowly turned my speed up to 10 (keeping the speed at variable) Finally, once at 10, I turned it on high and let it whirl for 4 minutes.

So much fun to watch the VitaMix work the food magic. Finally, my soup was complete! I poured it out into a soup bowl and added on the sunflower seeds.

Enjoy!! Plus - I have some leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

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