Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Putting Down the Hammer (and Chisel)

Today was one of those days I didn't feel like cooking, at all. I did spent almost an hour at Whole(paycheck) Foods. If you are looking for a new recipe, I don't have one. I cut up some rotisserie chicken and tossed it on a bed of spinach and had some beets, with newly discovered Tessemae's zesty ranch. (I was on the hunt for the BBQ sauce but couldn't find it at Whole Foods - I will be ordering it tomorrow!) My dinner was delicious, lame, and easy all at the same time. Then, I needed to work out. I kept dragging my feet, but it had to be done.

Presently, I am running an accountability challenge group for PiYo - we are on day 10. Today is Core - complete with Piyo Pikes, planks, and side planks. I was able to change into my workout gear, remember to grab my Apple TV to stream my new workout after Core. Today is the day I was committed to trying The Master's Hammer & Chisel from Autumn (21 Day Fix) and Sagi (BodyBeast) I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect. I haven't really lifted in awhile. I was doing it AFTER already doing a 30 minutes Core workout.

It was amazing. It was tough. I cannot wait for the release!

I definitely need to up my game on working out in preparation for this program. BodyBeast is next on my list to get ready for it.

The good news - if you already subscribe to BeachBody on Demand you can preview two videos. Don't already subscribe? You can sign up for a free trial!

Let the countdown begin! I cannot wait to try Sagi's workout next.

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